We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


Here you’ll find articles and information relating to things, events and people, current and historical that are affecting us all now and possibly shaping our futures.

Doctors Abandoning The Elderly, Again.

COVID-19, Government

On the 4th December 2021 the BBC in the UK published an article titled “Covid: GPs can defer some services in booster jab push”.I’m going to keep this short, and we’re going to take some of what’s happening and the related claims at face value, just to demonstrate the travesty of what’s actually happening, and […]

Australian Government Hits New Insanity Levels

COVID-19, Government

So while perfectly healthy Australians are carted of by force to “quarantine camps” like Howard Springs where people are threatened with $5,000 fines for crossing lines on the floor, confined to apartments and balconies when they are not even ill, ABC news published a video of Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner stating “If you […]

The Drugs Don’t Work

COVID-19, Government

As well as being a song by the English band the Verve, it is now quite clear that, as many people did know from the start based on an understanding of how these injections were claimed to work, the mechanisms by which chimp viral vectors or mRNA instructing the body to produce engineered proteins to […]

Another International Treaty

COVID-19, Government

So we already looked at the “International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights” in this article, which is legally binding and signed up to by almost every country (with a few notable exceptions) but certainly includes all the major so-called “Western democracies” like the UK, US, European countries, Australia and New Zealand etc. You know, […]

The FDA and the “Full Transparency” Illusion

Corruption, COVID-19, Government

The FDA, which is for those unaware is the United States Food and Drug Administration, the Government regulatory body who’s single job is to check and test claims about food and drugs by their manufacturers and ensure they are safe, effective if that is relevant and that the claims are evidenced.In November 2020 the FDA […]

Ofcom Guidelines Preventing Free Press and Scrutiny

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

On the 27th of March 2020 the UK regulator Ofcom published this document on their website (mirror). It is all about the “Important guidance” regarding “broadcast content on the Coronavirus”. Ofcom had apparently sent this other document out (mirror) to all broadcasters on the 20th March 2020 and made it available on the 23rd March […]

The Guardian – Children Should Vote

Government, Propaganda

The demolition of the “argument” presented by the author of this article in The Guardian won’t take long. It seems that David Runciman (the aforementioned author) thinks there is a problem with the Holy Grail of socio-economic and political mechanisms, that being the all-hallowed “Democracy”, the system by which allegedly the public votes in their […]

The “Vaccination Charts”

COVID-19, Government

Yes, apparently a world ranking list for Countries relating to the COVID-19 injections they are forcing on their respective populations is a thing.Just for the benefit of any “Fact Checkers” out there that might take issue with the use of the word “forcing” because allegedly at present we’re told it is not “mandatory” anywhere, yet, […]

UK Government Harvesting Data from Social Media

Government, Tech

Published in May 2016 on the UK Government website is this document (mirror) titled “Using social media for social research: An introduction”.This 27 page document was prepared by the Social Media Research Group, that was apparently established in 2014 according to the blurb in this report which also claims the goals of this Group are:To […]

UK Government Ending More Lives

COVID-19, Government

On the 12th November 2021 the UK Government published a contract on their website titled “The Supply of ITU Medicines and End of Life Care Medicines for Covid-19 Preparedness”.As it states in the “contract opportunity”:The Authority seeks to top up the Stockpile holdings of Midazolam 50mg/10ml vial (EOL) and Noradrenaline 8mg/8ml for infs Amp (ITU) […]

And Another One…

COVID-19, Propaganda

The Daily Mail published this article titled “New Botswana variant with 32 ‘horrific’ mutations is the most evolved Covid strain EVER and could be ‘worse than Delta’ — as expert says it may have emerged in an HIV patient” yesterday, the 24th November.Note the “could be worse than Delta” and “may have emerged…”, typical weasel-words […]

Whistleblowers Report on Problems with Pfizer Trials

COVID-19, Pharma

A peer-reviewed (for those that care about such things) article on the British Medical Journal website (PDF mirror) published on the 2nd November titled “Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial” has revealed some shocking yet unsurprising failures during the Pfizer trials for their so-called COVID-19 “vaccinations” that will […]

The Plan To Push mRNA


We can often theorise about intentions. Sometimes there seems to be at the very least circumstantial evidence to support those theories. That evidence might come in the form of a person or group that has a stated goal, then engineering the means to achieve that goal, and the goal then being achieved. There are numerous […]

Freedom of Information… and Midazolam

COVID-19, Government

A Freedom of Information request into the Office for National Statistics (ONS) asking about yearly death rates per year in the U.K since 1990 up until the end of December 2020 was responded to with a table of data available here.The data there is presented below, with “Crude Mortality Rate (per 100,000 population)” for the […]

COVID Madness AKA Athletes Dropping Like Flies


So we’ve seen how scientists are “mystified” at how unaffected Africa has been from COVID-19 despite less than 6% of it’s population having the injections, and we’ve also seen how the medical establishment is baffled at the rise in cardiac issues in previously healthy young people.We have seen young, healthy athletes collapse including many professionals, […]

Symptomless Variant… Really?

COVID-19, Propaganda

On the 18th November 2021 the Wales Online media outlet published an article titled:“Delta Plus ‘symptomless’ variant driving Covid back to January levels”Never mind the utter absurdity of the idea of a “symptomless” illness, this is obviously a push for vaccines for kids. The article quotes Christl Donnelly, professor of statistical epidemiology from the reliable […]

The African Mystery…


Today, the 20th November 2021 the NZ Herald published an article titled:Africa avoids Covid disaster – scientists are mystified and waryWhy are they mystified? Well the article explains…But there is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines […]

Pfizer adding Tromethamine to Injections for 5-11 year olds

COVID-19, Pharma

Pfizer are continuing their march through the population, injecting younger and younger groups as was expected by anyone who understands how predatory, merciless corporate vultures like Big Pharma work.There was a committee meeting and a document was produced and published on the FDA website dated 26th October 2021 titled “FDA Briefing Document – EUA amendment […]

Facts Win… Or Do They?


An article published (PDF) on the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health website on the 14th September 2021 titled “Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?” should be the final nail in the coffin of the COVID/vaccine narrative being pushed the world over by globalists, Governments and billionaires.I say “should be”, because […]

Another Bank Caught Rigging the Game


Reported by Reuters (so it must be true) on the 20th November 2021, JPMorgan Chase & Co have agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit worth $60,000,000 for “spoofing” in the precious metals futures and options markets. Spoofing in this instance is where traders place orders they intend to cancel in order to manipulate market prices […]

It Had To Happen…


The Independent on 8th November 2021 reported that…Canadian becomes world’s first patient to be diagnosed as suffering from ‘climate change’Yes, you read that correctly. The article goes on…A Canadian facing breathing issues was diagnosed as possibly the first patient in the world suffering from “climate change,” as doctors said heatwaves and poor air quality were […]

Long COVID – Is It Mostly Imaginary?


One of the most overhyped aspects of the fake pandemic has been “Long COVID”. Even if you are able to get people to accept that mild respiratory aliments that occur more in the winter than summer have been something humanity has dealt with for millennia, and this one is no different, “ah but what about […]

BBC Booster Propaganda

COVID-19, Government, Pharma

As we now watch the media and Government grapple with the dual task of convincing the “unvaccinated” to have the COVID injections because they’re so effective, and simultaneously convince the already double-jabbed to have a booster (the first of many we can safely assume) because their jabs now don’t work after mere months, the BBC […]