We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


Here you’ll find articles and information relating to things, events and people, current and historical that are affecting us all now and possibly shaping our futures.

Are mRNA Injections Gene Therapy?

COVID-19, Propaganda

One thing people like to claim about the COVID-19 injections is that they are “vaccines”, and they don’t alter you or change DNA. They claim this because they are either ignorant, or because they are trying to disingenuously imply or state that these injections are just like any other so-called vaccines and there is no […]

Marburg Virus, The Next Scary Thing™

Eugenics, Globalism

So naturally even before they have finished with the current fictional pandemic they are preparing the next one. According to the GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) the next pandemic is going to happen. They have thoughtfully provided a scary list of the candidates they have selected, with the reminder that “We already had […]

UK MP Complains About Google Censorship

Government, Tech

British Conservative Party MP David Davis was upset the other day as a speech he’d made at the Conservative Party conference against domestic vaccine passports was censored from YouTube as Google claimed he’d been spreading “medical misinformation”.Reported on the 17th October 2021 by a Conservative website, David Davis had written about his experience of being “deliberately silenced”. […]

WHO Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health Report

COVID-19, Propaganda

On the 15th October 2020, so over a year ago, the Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health technical advisory group of the World Health Organisation had a meeting and published a report on the outcome of the discussion that revolved around three questions. The report is titled “BEHAVIOURAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR ACCEPTANCE AND UPTAKE OF COVID-19 […]

“We’re not going to be reporting on that”

COVID-19, Propaganda

Yesterday the 28th October 2021 an Australian news website reported that “Victorian officials refuse to release vaccination status of virus deaths”.The article explains that:The Victorian health department has refused to release the vaccination status on the 25 coronavirus fatalities. The spike in new deaths were reported on Thursday, which was the highest number of daily […]

AstraZeneca Cures Death

COVID-19, Pharma, Propaganda

Doing the rounds today the 11th October 2021 is the big news that AstraZeneca have solved a problem that has troubled humanity for quite some time, that being death.Reported by pretty much every media outlet going, and in almost word for word breathless excitement is the “New antibody treatment that ‘both prevents and treats COVID-19′” […]

Scotland Yard Protects “Prince” Andrew


Yesterday the 10th October 2021 the Daily Mail reported that the Met Police in the UK have dropped their investigation into the accusations by Virginia Roberts regarding being sex-trafficked into London by Andrew’s good friend, Jeffery Epstein, the convicted paedophile famous for not killing himself by suicide on the 10th August 2019.As the Mail article […]

666 Problems and a Virus Ain’t One

COVID-19, Government, Tech

Whether you or I believe in an actual Devil, or the significance of the number 666 i.e. the Biblical “Number of the Beast” is much less important than understanding that there are hugely influential, powerful and rich people who do, or at least regularly use the symbology and numerology associated with it.Some relatively recent examples […]

More Fearmongering From the Cult of AI


Yesterday, 29th September 2021 the Times deluged Twitter with a sequence of tweets about Mo Gawdat, someone who they refer to as a “former Google supremo” (whatever that is), and a “Silicon Valley supergeek who believes we face an apocalyptic threat from AI”.The work of Kurt Gödel and also Alan Turing has proven the “AI” […]

Pfizer and Myocarditis

COVID-19, Pharma

In an article published here back in August 2021 titled “Barclays Global Healthcare Conference” we saw parts of a high-level discussion between two top Pfizer executives and a Senior Biopharma Analyst at Barclays Bank. The conversation revolved around being able to hike prices of “The Vaccine” at some point in the future, the “durability of […]

Some Perspective…


According to the Government’s own website, the UK NHS Test & Trace app so far has a budget of £37,000,000,000 (thirty-seven billion) for two years, which is an unfathomable sum of money. It is hard to imagine just how much money that is, at a cost to the taxpayer, mostly because these huge numbers are […]

Oh No She Didn’t

COVID-19, Propaganda

So Nicki Minaj and her fans are getting a sample of what it’s like to be on the “wrong” side of the vaccine debate. By “wrong” I mean according to the Government, globalists, Big Tech, Big Pharma and every other fanboy/girl of Authoritarian medical tyranny and the impending biosecurity technocratic world order we’re being herded […]

Ferguson Wheeled Out Again


Yes, the so-called “scientist” who’s nonsense computer models formed the backbone of the initial COVID hype that Governments the world over embraced to use as an excuse for the largest expansion of State power and control in history is back, this time declaring in an article today 13th September 2021 in the Guardian, that “Vaccinating […]

BBC – The State’s Prime Propaganda Outlet

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

Once again, the BBC has published lies and cleverly worded half-truths to back the UK Government’s taxpayer funded advertising campaign for pharmaceutical corporations and globalists. On the 9th September they led with this headline:The article starts by quoting Boris Johnson, then stating:The UK has reported more than 30,000 cases for the last nine days in […]

Identify and Disrupt


The Australian Parliament just passed the “Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2021”. The summary of this new Bill is as follows:Amends: the Surveillance Devices Act 2004 and Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 to: introduce data disruption warrants to enable the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) to disrupt data by modifying, […]

Mass Vaccinator Jobs

COVID-19, Government, Pharma

So the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) states that their “Current Advice” on COVID-19 “vaccinations” according to the latest statement from them published on the 4th August 2021 advises “COVID-19 vaccination of all adults aged 18 years and over in the UK, and vaccination of some specific groups under the age of 18 […]

No Jab, No… Motorway… what?

COVID-19, Propaganda

In a move presumably designed to do something, on the 26th August 2021 the National Highways and Motorway Police in Pakistan posted the following graphic on Twitter…There were a number of responses to this tweet, some Authoritarian advocates (AKA media types) gushing about what a good idea this is and that “Only mass vaccination will […]

Australia – Penal Colony 2.0

COVID-19, Government

With all the off-the-charts hysteria and aggressive dictatorship-style laws and enforcement from the Australian Government so far, despite the very small numbers of what they are calling COVID deaths, mostly of people in their 80s you could be forgiven for thinking they couldn’t top what’s happened already. What else could they possibly do that would […]

MHRA Funding FOI Request

Climate, COVID-19, Globalism, Government, Pharma

A Freedom of Information Request was submitted to the MHRA. which is the Medicines & Healthcare Regulatory Agency, the UK Government department that is responsible for approving (or rarely, not approving) all medicines and related products for use in the UK.This FOI request was asking about how the MHRA is funded, and was responded to […]



Back in September 2020, the UK Government under the “leadership” of Boris Johnson declared their bold plan to test the entire population in a week. This plan was called “Operation Moonshot”, because why not? Everything about this pseudo-pandemic has been an absolute farce, excluding the deliberate deaths and life-changing trauma of course. Why wouldn’t you […]

Ivermectin Smear Campaign

COVID-19, Pharma, Propaganda

If you’re to believe the huge number of blue-checkmarks parading themselves and their media outlets on Twitter regarding Joe Rogan (the $100,000,000 Spotify podcast guy) and his video posted to social media that he had COVID-19, you’d think he’d been taking a horse dewormer, or cow dewormer. A dewormer for animals anyway, which “the FDA […]

COVID-19 – Vaccinating Children and Young People

COVID-19, Eugenics, Government

As the UK Government continues to goosestep it’s way through society injecting everyone it can with it’s experimental gene-therapy, starting with “the vulnerable” which was defined very early on and has since expanded to include literally everyone, we’re now seeing them turn their attention to children. This was always where this was headed, and the […]

The Evidence for SARS-CoV-2


A Freedom of Information Request to Public Health England (PHE) asking for a copy or reference to the scientific evidence of the isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was answered recently.The request specifically asked for the isolation to have been taken from an infected person and not compromised or contaminated with other genetic material, or cultured […]

Dishonest Fact Checkers

Government, Propaganda

On August 14th 2021 a website called Tech Xplore published an article by the Associated Press titled “Prominent fact-checker Snopes apologizes for plagiarism”.It has been obvious for a very long time that the Fact Checking industry does nothing of the sort, and is simply another cog in the global propaganda machine. Snopes for example claims […]