We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


Here you’ll find information about COVID-19, the “global pandemic”, the reasons why it’s happening and who the major players are.

Self-Replicating Nano-Technology?

COVID-19, Tech

So recently a study was published on the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR) website that caused some minor consternation among the mRNA “vaccine” championing brigade. By “minor consternation” I mean the alarm, agitation, and/or dismay felt by this specific group of Establishment bootlickers was restricted specifically to the urgency relating to […]

Single Version of the Truth: OmniGov Edition

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

“You’re not a doctor / virologist / immunologist / epidemiologist / scientist / climatologist / expert, what do you know?!?!?!”This or similar is a phrase bandied about regularly in our credentialised society by those who have outsourced their capacity for critical thinking to the State and like their opinions spoon-fed to them by the media, […]

COVID Lies – Part 1

COVID-19, Government

The list of lies regarding COVID-19, the “pandemic” and subsequent Government interventions is now so long a single article cannot possibly cover them all. The list of things that weren’t lies or “they” got right about it though is here…Because the full list of lies, misrepresentations, wilfully ignorant statements etc. is now so long, we […]

Challenge Trials

COVID-19, Science

The website nature.com published an article on 1st May 2024 titled “Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed”.Let’s just remind ourselves of how things were in July 2020…When Tesco decided to ease up on the ridiculous one-way systems people got “furious”.People would wear masks AND face-shields just to be in the same room […]

UN Medical Misinformation

COVID-19, Globalism

The United Nations is the parent organisation of the World Health Organisation and many others including…International Monetary Fund (IMF)World Bank GroupUN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)International Labour Organization (ILO)International Maritime Organization (IMO)International Telecommunication Union (ITU)World Trade Organisation […]

New Report: mRNA “Vaccine” Causes Encephalitis and Myocarditis

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

An early access version of a peer-reviewed case report originating from the Institute of Pathology in Dresden in Germany titled “A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19” was published on the 1st October 2022 (PDF mirror).Obviously I recommend you check out the full paper for yourself, but we’ll […]

Follow the Science?

COVID-19, Government

As of today, the 30th August 2022, there are two documents on the UK Government website.Document #1 (archive) is titled “COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding”, last updated according to the page on 11th April 2022. It begins with the line…“COVID-19 vaccination is strongly recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.”Hold that thought. Document […]

COVID, The Gift That Keeps On Giving

COVID-19, Propaganda

We have previously looked at the seemingly near-infinite list of symptoms attributed to the alleged respiratory disease causing SARS-CoV-2, a list that included…headacherunny nosefatiguesneezingsore throatpersistent coughhoarse voiceotherchills or shiversfeverdizzybrain fogaltered smelleye sorenessunusual muscle painsskipped mealsloss of smellchest painswollen glandsfeeling downshortness of breathfeeling tired or exhaustedaching bodyheadachesore throatblocked or runny noseloss of appetitediarrhoeafeeling sick or being […]

More Guardian Lies

COVID-19, Propaganda

Today the Guardian published yet another colossal, outright lie. Of course they do this all the time, but this really is a corker. This article titled “Why do the minority who haven’t had Covid account for most new infections?” makes the following claim…Yes, they claim just 15% of the people in England “have somehow never […]

Bill Gates and the Amazing Self-Congratulatory Models

COVID-19, Propaganda

“COVID-19 jab saved 20 million lives in its first year, study suggests” screeches the Sky News headline on the 24th June 2022. As the title ends with one of the signature ‘please switch off your brain, just read and believe’ motifs, i.e. “study suggests”, one hardly needs to read further. In fact it is a […]

Pending Casedemic 2.0

Corruption, COVID-19, Government

The UK Government has an “open opportunity” on their Contracts Finder website.Let’s set aside for the moment that the word “diagnostic” and the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process are mutually exclusive, the UK Government has a contract worth £2,000,000,000 open for a supplier.As the website explains, there is some kind of issue that means it […]

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Risk?

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

Forget the original sales pitch which was to have your COVID-19 injectable products, shut up and you’ll never get COVID-19, won’t die from it and won’t pass it on. We’re way past that, so please pretend ‘they’ never said any of those things. We’ve also moved past the stage of it will at least stop […]

Tackling “Vaccine Hesitancy”…

Corruption, COVID-19, Government, Pharma

That term, “vaccine hesitancy” is the recently popularised description of a state affecting people who are (in the minds of those using the phrase) not taking up the Government’s sales pitch for pharmaceutical interests, but could potentially be “encouraged” to take them, via “behaviour change models” and their application to said hesitant people. This is […]

How Much?!?

COVID-19, Government

According to the UK National Audit Office, as of September 2021 the UK Government has spent £370,000,000,000 (three hundred and seventy billion pounds) on their ludicrous, unscientific response to “COVID-19”.Now we hear these massive numbers thrown about by politicians and big corporations so much that they have become almost meaningless. Numbers in the billions and […]

Monkeypox, Shingles and Bill Gates

COVID-19, Government, Health

Already during the short time the latest predicted/planned “outbreak” of what we’re told is “Monkeypox” has been at play, the media have wasted no time in publishing articles that contain conflicting information to further confuse and traumatise an already abused general public. The articles usually contain horrific imagery and are phrased to make it unclear […]

The Art of Misdirection

COVID-19, Government, Tech

As the situation evolves with the Ukraine/Russia charade and many people’s attention is on that or elsewhere, like getting back to “normal”, we are witnessing one of the greatest distraction efforts ever conducted. The headline “war”, complete with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson popping over to war-torn Kiev for a “suprise ;)” visit is going […]

COVID-19: The Most Inclusive Illness

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

Not only is COVID-19 the most contagious disease ever despite millions of people not getting it, including the mysterious cases of one household member “testing positive” and the others not, it is one of the most inclusive. It has embraced all kinds of people, including those not actually ill. By means of this inclusive process […]

COVID Stupidity Continues

COVID-19, Propaganda

If you’re fed up with WW3 already there’s no need to fret, as the media’s coverage of the COVIDS truly is the gift that keeps on giving.On the 25th March 2022 a website called “Interesting Engineering” published an article titled “A hidden immune feature may have spared unvaccinated people from COVID-19 infections”.Yes, the innate immune […]

More Evidence For COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness

Corruption, COVID-19, War

Rochelle P. Walensky is the Director of the CDC, the CDC that has been directly involved with pushing PCR tests that don’t work to diagnose “COVID-19”, discrediting off-patent, safe and effective medicines that work for respiratory illnesses that were/are diagnosed as “COVID-19” and pushing an experimental genetic medical product only given emergency use authorisation with […]

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines – Are They Bio-Weapons?

COVID-19, Pharma

Big question. It should be noted that it is a separate question from “are they deliberately created bio-weapons?”. Intent can be difficult to prove in a court of law, and I am not attempting to prove intent here but I will provide some potential indicators. We can all make up our own minds based on […]

The Weaponisation Of The Term “Anti-Vaxxer”

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

We have seen this term used as an insult. It is used as a synonym for “Anti-Science” and has been for a very long time. Ironically the public that end up believing what an “anti-vaxxer” is are usually just that, believers. The whole “Trust The Science” or “Trust The Experts” or “Only Listen To Authoritative […]

We Need More Censorship

COVID-19, Government

As time goes by and the evidence mounts up that the COVID scam is just that, and the “vaccines” are not just ineffective as far as protecting people but actively harmful, naturally instead of Governments and public health “experts” admitting they were wrong, we just get more censorship.On the 17th February 2022 on Yahoo News […]

Everything Causes Heart Attacks… Except The Jabs

COVID-19, Propaganda

As the public watches athletes collapse regularly from cardiac arrests and heart attacks, the normalisation of the demolition of people’s health continues. Every excuse you can think of, and some you really wouldn’t have, is being promulgated by the Government public health officials and the media.On the 12th December 2021 the Express published an article […]