We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


The Wrong Experts

Climate, Corruption, Propaganda, Science

Lots of people still believe lockdowns were necessary. They still believe that lockdowns saved lives, and were a crucial part of Government intervention that has kept us alive through two years of the COVID scam. They believe politicians and “experts” who claim that the only way to “stay safe” is to hide away in your […]

The Religion of Science™

Corruption, Science

This article contains some philosophical and psychological observations, and some history, in an attempt to figure out what “science” really is, what role it plays and how reliable it is. It is by no means the final word on the matter, just an effort to open a dialogue on matters that are usually considered “the […]

Trusting The Science

Corruption, Government, Pharma

Accepting the new COVID-19 injections, be that the AstraZeneca “adenovirus vector” version, or any of the mRNA versions that are being pushed by various outlets, was an act of faith. People were repeatedly exhorted in quasi-religious sermons by politicians acting as modern-day priests standing at lecterns to “Trust the Science”. The religious symbolism and motifs […]

New Report: mRNA “Vaccine” Causes Encephalitis and Myocarditis

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

An early access version of a peer-reviewed case report originating from the Institute of Pathology in Dresden in Germany titled “A Case Report: Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19” was published on the 1st October 2022 (PDF mirror).Obviously I recommend you check out the full paper for yourself, but we’ll […]

Charlie and the Favours Factory


There is much to be said about the British Royal Family, almost none of it good unless you’re one of those people who thinks it’s fine to live a lavish lifestyle at other people’s expense, and having those obscenely rich Royals regularly and hypocritically lecture the public on what they need to give up is […]

Pending Casedemic 2.0

Corruption, COVID-19, Government

The UK Government has an “open opportunity” on their Contracts Finder website.Let’s set aside for the moment that the word “diagnostic” and the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process are mutually exclusive, the UK Government has a contract worth £2,000,000,000 open for a supplier.As the website explains, there is some kind of issue that means it […]

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduce Risk?

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

Forget the original sales pitch which was to have your COVID-19 injectable products, shut up and you’ll never get COVID-19, won’t die from it and won’t pass it on. We’re way past that, so please pretend ‘they’ never said any of those things. We’ve also moved past the stage of it will at least stop […]

Tackling “Vaccine Hesitancy”…

Corruption, COVID-19, Government, Pharma

That term, “vaccine hesitancy” is the recently popularised description of a state affecting people who are (in the minds of those using the phrase) not taking up the Government’s sales pitch for pharmaceutical interests, but could potentially be “encouraged” to take them, via “behaviour change models” and their application to said hesitant people. This is […]

The Ukraine Show Continues

Corruption, Globalism, War

Considering this is supposed to be the hottest war in the world, and as far as the media and politics is concerned, the only hot war in the world, tourism for high ranking politicians from all four corners of the earth appears to be focused on Kyiv/Kiev as they flock to the capital of Ukraine […]

The Russia vs Ukraine Thing – Part 1

Corruption, Government, War

So while most of the world collectively “Stands With Ukraine” without understanding the slightest thing about what or who they might be supporting, it turns out there is some interesting stuff coming out now about some biological labs in Ukraine that are potentially connected to the Pentagon.Please note, this article, it’s author and this entire […]

More Evidence For COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness

Corruption, COVID-19, War

Rochelle P. Walensky is the Director of the CDC, the CDC that has been directly involved with pushing PCR tests that don’t work to diagnose “COVID-19”, discrediting off-patent, safe and effective medicines that work for respiratory illnesses that were/are diagnosed as “COVID-19” and pushing an experimental genetic medical product only given emergency use authorisation with […]

MHRA – Not Fit For Purpose

Corruption, Government, Pharma

The UK Government Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the regulatory body that is supposed to assess drugs for their safety and effectiveness before they are marketed and inflicted on the general public. We have shown previously how the MHRA is funded which means they cannot possibly be objective and free from conflicts […]

Patent Corruption: SARS-CoV 1 and 2

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

The alleged purpose of patents is to give its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a limited period of time in exchange for publishing an enabling disclosure of the invention, according to Wikipedia.The idea is that by inventing something you are bringing something of benefit, either physical or intellectual to […]

GoFundMe Taking Corrupt Orders From Police

Corruption, Government

If you’re a viewer or reader of exclusively mainstream media, you may not know about the truckers convoy and occupation in Canada, or what you may know is that it’s reported to be violent, and people are threatening (cue dramatic music) an “insurrection”.If that is the image you have of the Canadian truckers convoy protest […]

The Philanthropy Scam

Corruption, Propaganda

There are those who think that philanthropy is just simply giving your money away to good causes, a truly altruistic gesture to “give something back”. On planet earth however, this is almost always as far from the truth as is possible to imagine.One of the most well known philanthropists is William Gates III, AKA Bill […]

Pfizer/BioNTech Injections For 5-11s in UK

Corruption, COVID-19, Pharma

In a turn of events that should surprise no-one, Pfizer have secured approval for their mRNA injections for UK children aged 5-11. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) released a press statement on the 22nd December 2021 that announces it on the Government website.June Raine, the MHRA Chief Executive is quoted in the […]

The FDA and the “Full Transparency” Illusion

Corruption, COVID-19, Government

The FDA, which is for those unaware is the United States Food and Drug Administration, the Government regulatory body who’s single job is to check and test claims about food and drugs by their manufacturers and ensure they are safe, effective if that is relevant and that the claims are evidenced.In November 2020 the FDA […]

Scotland Yard Protects “Prince” Andrew


Yesterday the 10th October 2021 the Daily Mail reported that the Met Police in the UK have dropped their investigation into the accusations by Virginia Roberts regarding being sex-trafficked into London by Andrew’s good friend, Jeffery Epstein, the convicted paedophile famous for not killing himself by suicide on the 10th August 2019.As the Mail article […]