We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


The Trouble With Democracy

Globalism, Government

We’ve all encountered this problem. We love the idea of free, open democracy when running our clubs, nations and planets, but there’s just one teeny-tiny problem with it, which is democracy.That’s right, democracy is brilliant, apart from the democracy bit. Our dear friend John Kerry has special insight into this and sought to explain to […]

Single Version of the Truth: OmniGov Edition

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

“You’re not a doctor / virologist / immunologist / epidemiologist / scientist / climatologist / expert, what do you know?!?!?!”This or similar is a phrase bandied about regularly in our credentialised society by those who have outsourced their capacity for critical thinking to the State and like their opinions spoon-fed to them by the media, […]

Latest Disease X Candidate

Government, Health

Already sporting a plethora of “variants” and rapidly expanding its catalogue is Avian Influenza. Not wishing to be outdone by the “Coronavirus”, it has thrown it’s hat into the ring to jostle for top spot as Disease X.Monkey Pox was a dismal failure, not even slightly living up to expectations. Barely anyone was scared, there […]

COVID Lies – Part 1

COVID-19, Government

The list of lies regarding COVID-19, the “pandemic” and subsequent Government interventions is now so long a single article cannot possibly cover them all. The list of things that weren’t lies or “they” got right about it though is here…Because the full list of lies, misrepresentations, wilfully ignorant statements etc. is now so long, we […]

Public Consultation on Digital IDs

Government, Tech

The UK Government simply doesn’t not, and will not give up on the plan to implement a digital ID system that is planned to ultimately end up part of a global digital health and CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) system.On the 4th January 2023 they published an “open consultation” on the Government website titled:Consultation on […]

Trusting The Science

Corruption, Government, Pharma

Accepting the new COVID-19 injections, be that the AstraZeneca “adenovirus vector” version, or any of the mRNA versions that are being pushed by various outlets, was an act of faith. People were repeatedly exhorted in quasi-religious sermons by politicians acting as modern-day priests standing at lecterns to “Trust the Science”. The religious symbolism and motifs […]

Governments Influencing Behaviour

Government, Propaganda

Some people think that the origins of the word “Government” means “mind control”. This may or may not be actually true, but if not then it is one remarkable coincidence. The official explanation for why it doesn’t mean mind control can be found on the GrammarHow website, amongst others.The explanation is that the word “Government” […]

Follow the Science?

COVID-19, Government

As of today, the 30th August 2022, there are two documents on the UK Government website.Document #1 (archive) is titled “COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding”, last updated according to the page on 11th April 2022. It begins with the line…“COVID-19 vaccination is strongly recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.”Hold that thought. Document […]

UK Schools Bill

Government, Propaganda

The UK Government is currently trying to push a new Bill through the House of Lords and then Parliament to fundamentally change education. You can find the main documentation for this on the Government’s website, and here are some archived copies (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) of the documents detailing the amendments and the purported reasons […]

Pending Casedemic 2.0

Corruption, COVID-19, Government

The UK Government has an “open opportunity” on their Contracts Finder website.Let’s set aside for the moment that the word “diagnostic” and the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process are mutually exclusive, the UK Government has a contract worth £2,000,000,000 open for a supplier.As the website explains, there is some kind of issue that means it […]

Tackling “Vaccine Hesitancy”…

Corruption, COVID-19, Government, Pharma

That term, “vaccine hesitancy” is the recently popularised description of a state affecting people who are (in the minds of those using the phrase) not taking up the Government’s sales pitch for pharmaceutical interests, but could potentially be “encouraged” to take them, via “behaviour change models” and their application to said hesitant people. This is […]

How Much?!?

COVID-19, Government

According to the UK National Audit Office, as of September 2021 the UK Government has spent £370,000,000,000 (three hundred and seventy billion pounds) on their ludicrous, unscientific response to “COVID-19”.Now we hear these massive numbers thrown about by politicians and big corporations so much that they have become almost meaningless. Numbers in the billions and […]

Following The Road To Gilead

Government, Health, Pharma

Gilead for those that don’t already know, was a place in ancient Palestine, corresponding to the area of north-western Jordan, which was the scene for a Biblical battle between Gideon and the Midianites the account of which describes Gideon and a small army of 300 specially selected soldiers defeating the Midianites using shock and confusion […]

Monkeypox, Shingles and Bill Gates

COVID-19, Government, Health

Already during the short time the latest predicted/planned “outbreak” of what we’re told is “Monkeypox” has been at play, the media have wasted no time in publishing articles that contain conflicting information to further confuse and traumatise an already abused general public. The articles usually contain horrific imagery and are phrased to make it unclear […]

The Hepatitis Coincidence, and the “Science” of Virology

Government, Health, Pharma

The World Health Organisation (WHO) announced on the 15th April 2022 in a “Disease Outbreak News Item” titled “Acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology – the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” that…On 5 April 2022, WHO was notified of 10 cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology in children under the age […]

The Russia vs Ukraine Thing – Part 2

Banking, Government, Tech, War

Continuing our look at some of the less well-reported aspects of the Russia vs Ukraine conflict and motivations.As the Ukrainian celebrity president Volodymyr Zelenskyy continues his virtual world tour of Parliaments to rapturous applause and standing ovations as you can see described in this bizarre publication on Yahoo News where the headline is almost as […]

The Art of Misdirection

COVID-19, Government, Tech

As the situation evolves with the Ukraine/Russia charade and many people’s attention is on that or elsewhere, like getting back to “normal”, we are witnessing one of the greatest distraction efforts ever conducted. The headline “war”, complete with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson popping over to war-torn Kiev for a “suprise ;)” visit is going […]

COVID-19: The Most Inclusive Illness

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

Not only is COVID-19 the most contagious disease ever despite millions of people not getting it, including the mysterious cases of one household member “testing positive” and the others not, it is one of the most inclusive. It has embraced all kinds of people, including those not actually ill. By means of this inclusive process […]

The Russia vs Ukraine Thing – Part 1

Corruption, Government, War

So while most of the world collectively “Stands With Ukraine” without understanding the slightest thing about what or who they might be supporting, it turns out there is some interesting stuff coming out now about some biological labs in Ukraine that are potentially connected to the Pentagon.Please note, this article, it’s author and this entire […]

MHRA – Not Fit For Purpose

Corruption, Government, Pharma

The UK Government Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the regulatory body that is supposed to assess drugs for their safety and effectiveness before they are marketed and inflicted on the general public. We have shown previously how the MHRA is funded which means they cannot possibly be objective and free from conflicts […]

The Weaponisation Of The Term “Anti-Vaxxer”

COVID-19, Government, Propaganda

We have seen this term used as an insult. It is used as a synonym for “Anti-Science” and has been for a very long time. Ironically the public that end up believing what an “anti-vaxxer” is are usually just that, believers. The whole “Trust The Science” or “Trust The Experts” or “Only Listen To Authoritative […]

We Need More Censorship

COVID-19, Government

As time goes by and the evidence mounts up that the COVID scam is just that, and the “vaccines” are not just ineffective as far as protecting people but actively harmful, naturally instead of Governments and public health “experts” admitting they were wrong, we just get more censorship.On the 17th February 2022 on Yahoo News […]

GoFundMe Taking Corrupt Orders From Police

Corruption, Government

If you’re a viewer or reader of exclusively mainstream media, you may not know about the truckers convoy and occupation in Canada, or what you may know is that it’s reported to be violent, and people are threatening (cue dramatic music) an “insurrection”.If that is the image you have of the Canadian truckers convoy protest […]