We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


This section will contain articles and references about national and international warmongering across the ages.

Twitter, Bots and the Russia-Ukraine Event

Propaganda, Tech, War

A study by researchers based at The University of Adelaide in Australia titled “#IStandWithPutin versus #IStandWithUkraine: The interaction of bots and humans in discussion of the Russia/Ukraine war” was published (mirror PDF) in August 2022.The study used various methods of analysing the collected data they got via the Twitter API (v2). They collected all tweets, […]

The Ukraine Show Continues

Corruption, Globalism, War

Considering this is supposed to be the hottest war in the world, and as far as the media and politics is concerned, the only hot war in the world, tourism for high ranking politicians from all four corners of the earth appears to be focused on Kyiv/Kiev as they flock to the capital of Ukraine […]

The Russia vs Ukraine Thing – Part 2

Banking, Government, Tech, War

Continuing our look at some of the less well-reported aspects of the Russia vs Ukraine conflict and motivations.As the Ukrainian celebrity president Volodymyr Zelenskyy continues his virtual world tour of Parliaments to rapturous applause and standing ovations as you can see described in this bizarre publication on Yahoo News where the headline is almost as […]

The Russia vs Ukraine Thing – Part 1

Corruption, Government, War

So while most of the world collectively “Stands With Ukraine” without understanding the slightest thing about what or who they might be supporting, it turns out there is some interesting stuff coming out now about some biological labs in Ukraine that are potentially connected to the Pentagon.Please note, this article, it’s author and this entire […]

More Evidence For COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness

Corruption, COVID-19, War

Rochelle P. Walensky is the Director of the CDC, the CDC that has been directly involved with pushing PCR tests that don’t work to diagnose “COVID-19”, discrediting off-patent, safe and effective medicines that work for respiratory illnesses that were/are diagnosed as “COVID-19” and pushing an experimental genetic medical product only given emergency use authorisation with […]