We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


Theory – The Game of Two Hemispheres


This article is another that just contains a theory.I am not able to present concrete evidence to 100% prove any of this right now, but I am sharing this theory in case it either resonates with anyone else out there, or if anyone does have evidence that could contribute to either confirming or refuting this […]

Theory – What Is The Real Threat?


As per the word in the title, this article describes a theory. This theory is subject to revision or even complete abandonment if and when evidence comes along to disprove it. Or in time it could turn out to be partly, mostly or completely correct as evidence ends up supporting it. It’s a theory that […]