We live in a corrupted system. The way to tackle corruption is to first acknowledge it exists. Only then is it possible to come up with ways of dealing with it, but don't make the mistake of believing the system can or will uncorrupt itself.


Here you’ll find information challenging the “climate change/global warming/carbon emissions” narrative.

The Wrong Experts

Climate, Corruption, Propaganda, Science

Lots of people still believe lockdowns were necessary. They still believe that lockdowns saved lives, and were a crucial part of Government intervention that has kept us alive through two years of the COVID scam. They believe politicians and “experts” who claim that the only way to “stay safe” is to hide away in your […]

It Had To Happen…


The Independent on 8th November 2021 reported that…Canadian becomes world’s first patient to be diagnosed as suffering from ‘climate change’Yes, you read that correctly. The article goes on…A Canadian facing breathing issues was diagnosed as possibly the first patient in the world suffering from “climate change,” as doctors said heatwaves and poor air quality were […]

MHRA Funding FOI Request

Climate, COVID-19, Globalism, Government, Pharma

A Freedom of Information Request was submitted to the MHRA. which is the Medicines & Healthcare Regulatory Agency, the UK Government department that is responsible for approving (or rarely, not approving) all medicines and related products for use in the UK.This FOI request was asking about how the MHRA is funded, and was responded to […]

Utopia, yes again.

Climate, COVID-19, Eugenics, Globalism, Propaganda

On the 25th September 2020 a remake of a UK television series from 2013 called Utopia was released. Amazon is listed as the main production company and it is distributed by Amazon so we can safely assume they had some significant input into the show. The description of the new series on IMDB which is […]

Build Back Better

Climate, COVID-19

If it feels like there’s been an increase in the use of this phrase by politicians and other organisations that ostensibly promote touchy-feely “we’re all in this together” and “let’s make everything fair and equitable” ideas, then you’re not imagining it.It sounds like a wonderful idea. The world has been decimated by a “deadly pandemic” […]